3.1. All products and services marketed in the Decal Online Store are in accordance with Portuguese Law.
3.2. The Online Store has adequate levels of security, however Digidelta shall not be liable for any damage suffered by the User and/or third parties, due to delays, interruptions, errors and suspensions of communications that originate from factors outside its control, specifically any deficiencies or failures caused by the communications network or communications services provided by third parties, the computer system, modems, connection software or any computer viruses or due to download from a file service infected or containing viruses or other properties that may affect your equipment. If for any reason due to access error to the Digidelta Online Store website, Digidelta could not provide service, it will not be liable for any damages.
3.3. Data and information consultations carried out under this Service shall be presumed to be made by the User, declining Digidelta any liability arising from the misuse or fraudulent use of the information obtained.
3.4. Digidelta shall not be liable for any loss or damage caused by misuse of the Service which is not directly attributable to it for wilful intent or serious fault.
3.5. Digidelta is not liable for the damage arising from the non-performance or defective performance of the Service if this is not directly or indirectly attributable to it for wilful intent or grave fault, and is not responsible specifically for:
(i) errors, omissions or other inaccuracies relating to the information made available through the Service;
(ii) damage caused by the User or third parties, including intellectual property violations;
(iii) failure of performance or defective performance resulting from compliance with judicial decisions or administrative authorities or;
iv) the failure of performance or defective performance due to force majeure situations, i.e. situations of extraordinary or unpredictable nature, external to Digidelta and which cannot be controlled, such as fires, power cuts, explosions, wars, riots, civil insurrections, government decisions, strikes, earthquakes, floods or other natural cataclysms or other situations not controllable by Digidelta that prevent or harm compliance with the fulfilment of the obligations assumed.
3.6. Digidelta does not guarantee that:
(i) the Service is provided uninterruptedly, safe, error-free or operate endlessly;
(ii) the quality of any product, service, information or any other material purchased or obtained through the Service fulfils any expectation of the User in relation to it;
(iii) any material obtained in any way through the use of the Service is used at the user's own risk, the latter being solely responsible for any damage caused to his computer system and equipment or for any loss of data resulting from that operation;
iv) no advice or information, whether oral or written, obtained by the User of or through the Service will create any warranty that is not expressed in these General Conditions.
3.7. the User agrees that Digidelta cannot in any way be liable for any damage, including but not limited to damages for loss of profits, data, content, or any other losses (even if the User has previously notified of the possibility of such damage), resulting from:
i) the use or impossibility of use of the Service;
(ii) the difficulty of obtaining any substitute for goods/services;
(iii) unauthorized access or modification to personal databases.