20 Dec 2024

decal® at Printing United from Eco-friendly Innovation to Long-Lasting Partnerships

The self-adhesive industry for large-format digital printing is being transformed, due to the growing need for more sustainable and eco-friendly solutions for visual communication and decoration. decal® has made headlines for innovative PVC products with solvent-free adhesives in a variety of applications. At the recent exhibition, Printing United, Atlanta, the company not only presented its innovative self-adhesive products but also reinforced its vision for a more sustainable future.


PVC Free, Innovation and decal®’s Think Green Commitment

decal® presented PVC Free (PP e PET) printing and laminating film at Printing United in Atlanta. These products are not only the answer to the market’s preference for more ecological products but also a demonstration of the commitment by decal® to innovation.

Compatibility with solvent inks and Dot Matrix expands and facilitates applications for sign graphics and visual communication, making them the preferred choice of more than 60 distributors of decal® across the globe.

Carlos Alves, decal® Export Manager, has confirmed these facts through feedback from visitors at Printing United, who recognize the commitment to be “greener” in presenting to the market more products and better PVC-Free solutions without compromising their efficiency.


decal® allDecor 2D for Interior Decoration

One of the main highlights of the exhibition at Printing United was the textured PVC Free, allDecor 2D range. With growing environmental concerns, there is a necessity for eco-friendly products for the interior decoration market. The solvent and plasticizer-free polypropene textures by decal® are at the cutting edge of this evolution.

These textures offer sustainable alternatives with no compromise to aesthetics, be it for homes, offices, or commercial spaces. Furthermore, the possibility of UV printing or latex, allowing for the personalization, renovation, and decoration of interiors, makes it an even more attractive choice and one of the most esteemed among visitors at Printing United.


Printing United: Partnerships and The Road Ahead

decal®’s presence at Printing United in Atlanta was notable for significant and ambitious plans. The world-renowned fair turned into a crucial hub for decal® to establish strong commercial ties.

Carlos Alves, reflected on this event: “Printing United allowed us to meet with some key distributors, some of whom we had already established relationships with. It is always interesting to see how networking at a fair can lead to long-lasting partnerships.”

However, Decal’s vision goes much further. Carlos Alves added, “Following our participation, we are looking ahead. I firmly believe that, although fairs lead to excellent opportunities for making connections, the real work of consolidating those relationships comes afterwards”.

Decal bei Printing United: Innovation Feiern und Starke Partnerschaften Aufbauen

Höhepunkte von Decals Auftritt bei Printing United


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