O curso de design de interiores realizado pela Imas Grafica Srl destacou as gamas decal alldecor 2d, wallcover e glass decor. Um conjunto de soluções para decoração de móveis, paredes e vidros que os participantes aprenderam a aplicar com orientação do especialista Massimo Farè.
- Marketing (Include personalized advertisement)
- OffOnMarketing (Include personalized advertisement)
Decal Adhesive and the advertising partners (including social media platforms like Google, Facebook, and Instagram) use tracking to provide personalised offers to give you the full Decal Adhesive experience. This includes sending you “Targeted Messages on 3rd Party Advertising Platforms”.
Affected solutions- Double Click
- Google Ads
- HubSpot
- Google Tag Manager
- Google Analytics
- Functional
- OffOnFunctional
We use functional tracking to analyse how our website is being used. This data helps us to discover errors and develop new designs. It also allows us to test the effectiveness of our website.
- Mandatory (Session and required functionalities)
- Mandatory (Session and required functionalities)
We use cookies to enable essential website operations and to ensure certain features work properly, like the option to log in or add a product to your shopping cart. This tracking is always enabled, otherwise, you can’t view the website or shop online.
Affected solutions- Beevo