
Quality Policy

We are aware of the implications of our Quality-related services, and we are committed to ensuring continuous improvement and development, adopting a systematic approach to Quality Management.

Therefore, the company's Quality Policy provides for the following principles:

  • To meet and ensure customers' expectations and needs with high-quality equipment and consumables, combined with highly competitive and innovative financial solutions.

  • To provide permanent commercial and technical support, aiming for increasing satisfaction and promoting longevity in commercial relationships.

  • To provide services in compliance with the applicable legal requirements, the requirements of different stakeholders, the reference standard, and other requirements subscribed to within the Quality scope.

  • To systematically evaluate results and periodically review the Quality System, complying with its requirements, ensuring monitoring, review, and achievement of objectives, to ensure continuous improvement of performance and system effectiveness.

  • To contribute to the reduced environmental impact, controlling our waste as well as energy efficiency, thus ensuring sustainability towards the environment.

  • To provide the company with processes and procedures that allow for the standardization of methods of action, with consequent cost reduction.

  • To reinforce the values of organizational culture, promoting communication, knowledge, employee involvement, as well as their commitment to the organization's objectives, always in a conscious, ethical, and responsible manner.

We thus undertake to comply with the requirements of NP EN ISO 9001:2015 at Digidelta and to continuously improve the effectiveness of the Quality Management System, ensuring the triggering of all necessary actions and reinforcing the ability to satisfy and exceed the expectations of stakeholders.

The Administration


Quality Policy

We are aware of the implications of our Quality-related services, and we are committed to ensuring continuous improvement and development, adopting a systematic approach to Quality Management.

Therefore, the company's Quality Policy provides for the following principles:

  • To meet and ensure customers' expectations and needs with high-quality equipment and consumables, combined with highly competitive and innovative financial solutions.

  • To provide permanent commercial and technical support, aiming for increasing satisfaction and promoting longevity in commercial relationships.

  • To provide services in compliance with the applicable legal requirements, the requirements of different stakeholders, the reference standard, and other requirements subscribed to within the Quality scope.

  • To systematically evaluate results and periodically review the Quality System, complying with its requirements, ensuring monitoring, review, and achievement of objectives, to ensure continuous improvement of performance and system effectiveness.

  • To contribute to the reduced environmental impact, controlling our waste as well as energy efficiency, thus ensuring sustainability towards the environment.

  • To provide the company with processes and procedures that allow for the standardization of methods of action, with consequent cost reduction.

  • To reinforce the values of organizational culture, promoting communication, knowledge, employee involvement, as well as their commitment to the organization's objectives, always in a conscious, ethical, and responsible manner.

We thus undertake to comply with the requirements of NP EN ISO 9001:2015 at Digidelta and to continuously improve the effectiveness of the Quality Management System, ensuring the triggering of all necessary actions and reinforcing the ability to satisfy and exceed the expectations of stakeholders.

The Administration


Quality Policy

We are aware of the implications of our Quality-related services, and we are committed to ensuring continuous improvement and development, adopting a systematic approach to Quality Management.

Therefore, the company's Quality Policy provides for the following principles:

  • To meet and ensure customers' expectations and needs with high-quality equipment and consumables, combined with highly competitive and innovative financial solutions.

  • To provide permanent commercial and technical support, aiming for increasing satisfaction and promoting longevity in commercial relationships.

  • To provide services in compliance with the applicable legal requirements, the requirements of different stakeholders, the reference standard, and other requirements subscribed to within the Quality scope.

  • To systematically evaluate results and periodically review the Quality System, complying with its requirements, ensuring monitoring, review, and achievement of objectives, to ensure continuous improvement of performance and system effectiveness.

  • To contribute to the reduced environmental impact, controlling our waste as well as energy efficiency, thus ensuring sustainability towards the environment.

  • To provide the company with processes and procedures that allow for the standardization of methods of action, with consequent cost reduction.

  • To reinforce the values of organizational culture, promoting communication, knowledge, employee involvement, as well as their commitment to the organization's objectives, always in a conscious, ethical, and responsible manner.

We thus undertake to comply with the requirements of NP EN ISO 9001:2015 at Digidelta and to continuously improve the effectiveness of the Quality Management System, ensuring the triggering of all necessary actions and reinforcing the ability to satisfy and exceed the expectations of stakeholders.

The Administration


Quality Policy


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