27 Dec 2024

New emotions with the new alldecor 2d textures

How many emotions can fit in a space? With the decal® alldecor 2d range, they all fit, and we always want more. That's why we have tempting news for interior decoration. Get inspired and inspire your customers with the new self-adhesive and textured films that recreate wood, stone, and metal on walls and furniture.


The alldecor 2d range has been expanded with five new features that will generate limitless emotions in any interior space. The "secret" of these self-adhesive and textured films - known by decal® customers worldwide - lies in the deep relief combined with natural colours and realistic designs that stimulate the senses of sight and touch.

The pamplona natural tweedy and sweet chestnut dark grey textures recreate wood, the garnet slate light grey and harley elegant oxide textures recreate stone, and the brush steel m texture recreates metal.

The aesthetics of the new proposals combine with decal® efficiency, ensured by the advanced properties of the permanent High Tack adhesive, the eco-friendly polypropylene (PP) face film, and the anti-humidity release liner with double-side polyethylene (PE) coating.

The application is simple and quick, allowing companies to save time and costs, as it can be done by employees with little practice and even inexperienced customers. When the decorative project takes shape, you can enjoy the new environments without worries. The films are easy to clean, waterproof, and highly resistant to scratches, abrasion, chemicals, mould, UV rays, and steam.

This decal® range is equally versatile and ideal for adding an extra personalized touch in private, public, and commercial spaces. You only need to choose the design and print it using latex or UV technology to have a unique and distinctive decoration on a child's bedroom wall, an office corridor, a store furniture, a hotel lobby, or a booth during an event.

Safety is respected with the certification of fire resistance and exemption from harmful agents to human and environmental health, such as plasticizers, halogen, and formaldehyde. Applications maintain dimensional and colour stability for up to 10 years, and removal leaves no residues. What remains are the emotions and the desire to have more with alldecor 2d.

Do you want to create deep and long-lasting emotions? Choose decal® alldecor 2d.

decal® alldecor 2d
New textures, new emotions.

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